Add More Function to Your Multi-Function Printers: How HP Workpath Apps Increase Usability for Clients and MPS Sales for Resellers

In 2008, Apple changed the cell phone game when it introduced the first iPhone. It was similar to previous smartphones in that it had a camera and music player, but what catapulted it to the top of people’s wish lists was the ability to host applications. Users, competitors, and developers all took notice. It wasn’t long before almost every smart device manufacturer had its own app store with thousands of apps being developed every day.

Now, the same change is happening in the print world.

For decades, multifunction printers (MFPs) had, well, limited functions: print, copy, scan, maybe fax. In the last 20 years, there has been a slight shift. Some OEMs introduced ways for developers to get into the machines and add features like secure pull-printing and BarDIMM. But even those advancements came with a ton of headaches, from development platform limitations to security risks. It seemed as though MFPs had peaked.

Until now.

HP has disrupted the print industry with its introduction of HP Workpath, an ecosystem designed to make MFPs work like your smartphone. By using Samsung’s operating system, any developer can quickly and easily create apps to help end-users streamline their core business workflows. It transforms regular MFPs from just a really expensive box with paper and ink into an intelligent device that springboards off applications users are already working with everyday.

We know because we literally won the award for it. In 2019, In Time Tec was given the “Leading the Charge” award for our work in the Workpath ecosystem. Since then, we have designed a handful of connecting apps (with more to come) that link MFPs to multiple cloud-based business solutions, such as Outlook 365, DocSign, and more. Not only does this mean that HP MFPs are even more multifunctional, it gives you, as a reseller, a distinct advantage over your competitors.

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Between a growing remote workforce, the impact of COVID, and people just getting fed up with tedious tasks, more and more business is happening in the cloud. Imagine talking to a prospect about an MPS contract and learning that they use Quickbooks Online for their bookkeeping. How excited would they be to learn that with the devices on YOUR proposal, they can scan directly to QBO, assign invoices, attach bills, and more, all without the hassle of scanning to email and saving to a local drive before pulling the document into QuickBooks? It might not seem like much but saving a few minutes here or there for a bookkeeper can mean 15-20 hours back in their week.

And you want that, right? You want your clients to get more value out of your deals. And your clients want more bang for their buck. So consider this your Steve Jobs moment. It is time to share all this with your clients. HP WorkPath can not only improve their lives, but yours as well. They give you a competitive advantage in a way not possible until now.

Learn more about HP Workpath and In Time Tec’s set of connecting apps will save clients time, money, and errors. Set yourself apart.


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