Annalisa Gorringe

Avoiding Workplace Burnout

Workplace burnout has become increasingly common in recent years. The impact of burnout on both...

Tech Meetups in the Treasure Valley

We live in a rapidly changing world. The tech world specifically is constantly advancing and it’s...

The Role of a Technical Account Manager

Technical Account Managers (TAM) often mean different things depending on the company. To us here...

Top 10 Books for Software Engineers to Read

Because the world of software development is constantly evolving, It’s important for software...

Top Traits We Look For In A New Hire

In Time Tec is hiring at an impressive speed. Last year alone, we added over 200 members to our...

How to Make the Most of Your 40 Hour Work Week

We all have 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds in a day. That’s the unique thing about...

6 Ways to Set Your Team Up For Success

It goes without saying that as a leader you should always make sure your team is set up for...

Why UI/UX Shouldn't be an Afterthought

It takes about 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website. This opinion...

How We Are Staying Up to Date in the IT World

Technology is always changing. Old trends become obsolete, new trends emerge, and hackers continue...

The 5 Most Important Things to Give Your Employees in Addition to a Paycheck

The average person spends around 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. I think it’s safe to say...