Seven Benefits of Modernizing Legacy Software or Systems

Change can be hard. It can be especially hard when there is a change in the software or systems we use every day. We all know the groans and complaints that happen when Google changes its algorithm or Facebook updates its news feed. But what would happen if we never adapted to those changes? We would probably still be using AOL messenger and checking our beepers. Technology evolution is a given in the modern digital world. If you are operating on an old, outdated, or obsolete system in your business or agency, it is time to take a look at the benefits of updating, upgrading, and modernizing. 

  • Lower costs: Maintaining legacy software and paper-based systems can end up being far more expensive than using alternatives such as cloud computing and web or mobile applications. 
  • Decreased security vulnerabilities: With the security threats constantly evolving, it is important to keep data safe and secure. By modernizing current systems, it is possible to add additional security behind the scenes without impacting the end-user. 
  • Improved performance and fewer system failures: When older systems become obsolete, the support and features fade away. This means what worked well five years ago might not have had an upgrade since then and now there are bugs, problems, and errors that pop up. More modern options are quicker and less prone to system failures. 
  • Less downtime due to degradation of performance: As stated above, older systems can suffer from system failures and performance errors, causing downtime for both end-users and the IT team. Eliminate that downtime by modernizing systems and processes with updated solutions. 
  • Easier compliance updates: Internal and external compliances are always changing. By updating current systems, a new rule or regulation can easily be implemented by the IT department without trying to find workarounds for older systems. 
  • More support talent: Just like technology is ever-changing, so are the skills that technology workers are learning. Think of all the programming languages out there—JavaScript, Python, C#, C++, etc. Older systems written in older languages mean that the number of people who can maintain that system are also decreasing. By modernizing, you also get access to a whole new talent pool that can support the new systems. 
  • Less room for manual entry errors: Paper-based and manual entry systems are ripe for user errors, after all we are only human. However, modern software solutions can be built to check for errors and can do all the computing and tracking for the end-user. 

Bonus benefit: Research from Avanade reveals that businesses and agencies that take steps to modernize their IT systems and processes can expect to increase revenues by an average of 14% and can reduce operation costs by more than 13%. 

If you are tired of dealing with failing software, old systems, and lost time and energy, contact us today to modernize your legacy systems. 

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