10 Steps We Took to Gain 12,500 LinkedIn Followers in 9 Months

With over 740 million global users, LinkedIn has changed the way business professionals connect and interact with each other around the world. Increasing your following on this platform can lead to a greater reach and more business leads. Below, you will find actionable items that we took to increase our followers by 12,500 in just 9 months.

  1. Scheduled posts through a social media scheduling tool
    • Scheduling posts with a scheduling tool encourages consistency and access to additional analytics. We found that Hubspot works the best for us. 
  2. Spent time experimenting with what our followers interact with on LI- it varies across platforms
    • Our employee spotlights get the most interaction, so we post these 2x month (We made sure to tag the employee so it shows up for their connections as well)
  3. Posted during work hours 
    • People tend to check LinkedIn during their workday 
  4. Had our C-Suite execs share the company posts
  5. Invited people in our industry to follow 
    • LinkedIn account admins have permission to invite 100 connections each month (bonus tip- add multiple page admins!) 
  6. Posted at least once a day, and included visual content with every post 
  7. Posted content that our employees get excited about
    • This increases the chances they will share your posts which extends the reach of the post to their entire network
  8. Added a button to our website and landing pages that link to our LinkedIn page
    •  This removes barriers for people trying to follow our business account
  9. Shared job postings 
    •  LinkedIn is known to be a place that people visit frequently when job hunting
  10. Encouraged our employees to join LinkedIn and asked them to add our company as their workplace

If you are looking to increase your following, it’s important to use a combination of all of the tips listed above. Using just one or two of the above suggestions probably won’t get you the results that you are looking for. Lastly, be patient- it doesn’t happen overnight.

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