Behind the Scenes: In Time Tec Learning Groups

At In Time Tec we are all about the people. We prioritize investing in our people, so that they can show up as their best self for themself, their co-workers, and our clients. To ensure employee success, we make sure our employees have the skills, tools, and clarity to achieve their dreams and help our customers. We do this through the learning groups that we have set up throughout our company. We use these learning groups as an opportunity to incorporate critical thinking and enhance communication and growth. 

CFO asks CEO: “What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave us?” 

CEO: “What happens if we don’t, and they stay?”

As Sir Richard Branson says, “Train people well enough so they can leave, but treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” We enroll each one of our employees in one or more of the following learning groups, which are led by one of In Time Tec’s Next Generation Leaders. 

Learn and Grow

Learn and Grow is for all new hires of In Time Tec. Every new employee spends one year in Learn and Grow to explore, discover, and discuss the culture of the company. It is a space to create possibilities around the core values of trust, transparency, integrity and leadership, and the mission of creating abundance.

Learn and Contribute

Learn and Contribute is designed to bring In Time Tec employees powerfully into action through group projects and continued leadership development. Concepts explored in Learn and Grow are applied in a team setting, and together we begin creating something we couldn’t create as individual contributors. Between team projects and varied reading material, we seek to shift the focus from ourselves to others while simultaneously discovering distinctions that enable us to be effective leaders. 

Build In Time Tec Future

Build ITT Future is for people managers and technical leads to acquire and refine the skills of leadership. The objective is to build a strong, cohesive leadership team that embodies the attitude of “we are great.” Our focus is on four main areas: personal transformation and being state, active discussion of work with leading people, development of skills and tools to deliver work and manage people, and ensuring client deliverables are top notch.

Next Generation Leaders

Next Generation Leaders is a platform that has been established for our managers and technologists to explore who they are and what they stand for so that In Time Tec can have a healthy pipeline of leaders. We are learning how to practice our core values by ourselves and also guiding our employees to do the same.  We share and discuss real life scenarios that come with being in a leadership role, and explore how the company’s values guide us to make informed decisions.

We also have incorporated the following technical learning groups. 

Learn and Code

Learn and Code is designed to develop In Time Tec software developers into powerful coders through learning and coding exercises. Many topics explored and mastered include SOLID design principles and Clean Code concepts for maintainable and readable code.  Developers come together each week to explore a new topic from industry best practices, and show examples of application of the best practices in their own code. The end result is a set of practical skills that can be used by each developer to deliver clean, well-written code to In Time Tec’s product code bases and the code bases of our clients.

Learn and Test

Learn and Test is designed to develop In Time Tec’s SDET's (Software Development Engineer in Test) and QA Engineers into powerful testers through learning and sharing. Many topics explored and mastered include foundational QA principles and Agile Testing concepts. Testers come together each week to explore a new topic from industry best practices and share examples of application of the best practices in their own projects. The end result is a set of practical skills that can be used by each tester to deliver high quality, working software to In Time Tec’s products and the products of our clients.

Learn and BI

Learn and BI is designed to develop In Time Tec engineers into powerful BI (Business Intelligence) developers through learning and sharing. Many topics explored and mastered include foundational business intelligence and reporting concepts. BI developers come together each week to explore a new topic from industry best practices and share examples of application of the best practice in their own projects. The end result is a set of practical skills that can be used by each BI developer to deliver high quality reports for our clients that have actionable data for making savvy business decisions.

Learn and Dev-Ops

Learn and DevOps is designed to develop In Time Tec engineers into powerful DevOps engineers through hands-on learning and training. Many topics explored and mastered include foundational DevOps principles covering tools and processes. Engineers come together each week to hone a new skill and share examples from their own work. The end result is a set of practical skills that can be used by each DevOps engineer to deliver high quality, working software to In Time Tec’s products and the products of our clients.

By utilizing these learning groups in our company, we continue to grow and improve our employees and the future leaders of In Time Tec. We highly suggest that every organization implements learning groups into their routine. If you have any questions about how learning groups can improve your organization, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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