In Time Tec Blog

Tips For Navigating Uncertainties While Returning to the Office

Written by In Time Tec | Oct 1, 2020 6:00:00 AM

It can be nerve racking to return to the office while a global pandemic is still in the works. Of course, working in the office looks a bit different than it did pre-covid.  Below are some of the protocols and procedures we have implemented in our office to keep our employees safe, healthy, and happy. 

Colored Bands 
Upon entering our office building, we have provided each employee with three different colored wristbands to choose from: red, yellow, or green. Here is what each of the colors indicate:

Red band- “Please don’t come within 6 feet of me. I prefer to social distance.”

Yellow band- “I am being cautious but am comfortable interacting if you are.”

Green band- “I am comfortable interacting with others.”

By implementing these wristbands into our company, we are giving individuals a non-confrontational way to share their risk tolerance. This also gives them a choice to come back to work and still have the option to properly social distance.

Reminder Signs
Remind your co-workers to wash their hands and wash them often. We suggest hanging up signs around the office in common areas as a gentle reminder. 

Provide Masks
We recommend providing masks for all employees. These should be available to people upon entering the building. We offer both disposable masks and In Time Tec branded masks (Thanks to Advertising that Fitz)  that our employees can use long-term.

Establish Guidelines
It’s important that every employee has the guidelines for returning to work accessible if needed. We suggest sending out an email with the guidelines written out so they can be easily referenced. Below is a screenshot of the presentation that was given at an all-employee virtual meeting and emailed out to all employees after. 

Respect Employee Preferences 

At In Time Tec, it is completely optional for our employees to return to the office. Some employees have been coming to the office everyday, some have been coming two days a week, and some not at all. We understand that some of our employees have small children, compromised immune systems, take care of their elders, or even just prefer to stay home. It is very important to us to respect the needs and well-being of our employees. We also understand that some people work better in an office environment and thrive through face to face connections. For that reason, we have implemented the above procedures to ensure a safe return to the office for those who choose to do so.

Whether or not you choose to return to work at the office, we encourage everyone to wear masks, respect others personal space, and continue to safely social distance. In Time Tec is happy to be a resource for anyone that has questions about returning to the office. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information. If you have any additional tips for safely returning to the office, please do share with us.