In Time Tec Blog : Custom Software Development

Tips to Help You Get Started on Building a Web App

We use them daily, but do consumers understand exactly what they are? Web apps enhance our daily...

App-Development Business Risks

Software users are seeing an increasing number of successful mobile apps being developed. Mobile...

Declutter Your Mobile App Development Process

Mobile app development comes with various challenges, but having an experienced mobile app developer

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

AI has been a fascination since 1984 after the release of the Terminator movie. When you search the...

Biggest Tech Flops (that didn’t revolutionize anything)

The tech that revolutionized the world will continue to grace the cover of history books, feature...

Why In Time Tec Doesn't Talk About Competitors

One of the most important things to remember when running a business is that it's not always about...

Why Partner With In Time Tec?

It was 2009 when Jeet and four other founders took the initiative to start something more than just...

Learning Groups: How In Time Tec Invests in its Employees

At In Time Tec, people come first. We choose to invest in our employees so they have the knowledge,...

Angular v. React: Which Framework to Choose

The project has been finalized, and now it’s time to make your dream app a reality. The trouble is,...