A Global One Team: The Importance of Embracing Diversity in Company Growth

A Global One Team – that’s how Jeet Kumar, CEO and Co-founder, describes and encourages In Time Tec to be. A Global One Team that is committed to blending two distinct cultures together to create a space of unity, trust, and abundance. 

What he means by this is how In Time Tec fuses the cultures of India and the United States together to create a global technology company. We operate with teams in both countries, and we collaborate across shores to create abundance for others. However, we are limited if we don’t consider our roots and how we work as a global team within our own cultures.

Jeet described it as two worlds fusing into one - each with their own unique qualities. Growing up and living in India for the early part of his life, he explained it as a place that focuses on community, family, trust, and growth. Everyone does their part based on the family's needs, and community ties are everything. When he came to the US, he discovered something different. In the US, he found independence, innovation, and a space to create anything he wanted to with the right work ethic. But he also found that voices are easily muffled. He knew that he had to make his voice clear and intentional for people to hear him, understand his thinking, and discover his ideas. 

Every so often, a group of employees from the US and India visit the other country to purposely immerse themselves into a different space. The space is not only a change of scenery, but a chance to learn how diverse cultures exist.

As Jeet explains, India's culture is very relationship-based. It thrives off a familial system that connects people with people and is a combined network of conversations and connections that builds relationships and trust. 

Within the US, from Jeet's perspective, independence is valued. Voices and opinions matter, but only if backed by data or experience that prove valuable. The culture seeks business, development, marketing, and innovation that drives ideas and dreams forward. 

With the familial characteristics of India's culture and the innovation encouraged in the US, Jeet had a dream of creating a platform that blended the two cultures into one. He aspired to create a singular, yet shared culture cultivated at In Time Tec that the employees could relate to and grow within. 

Global Team-Long

When he explains the company trips to India, he emphasizes that they provide the employees an opportunity to experience love while performing innovative work. They also help employees know what it means to have an experience and relationship that merges data and family together. This allows India teams to learn about high-quality delivery with rigorous business needs and the US teams to learn about building relationships and trust to enhance their innovative ideas. 

The two cultures together create a space of openness and self-discovery and a canvas to build software that gives In Time Tec a voice. The core explanation for In Time Tec's commitment to blending the two cultures is to learn the good part of each to create a greater culture. Combined, they create a platform that is capable of creating abundance. Jeet affirms, "if humans don't experience love, a bond or connection, it is very difficult for human beings to create."

We are breaking the walls to discover how the concepts of home and work can become interchangeable. Simply, In Time Tec is taking features from both cultures and blending them together to create the same culture on both sides.

"The US has the longest democracy and India has the largest democracy,"  explains Jeet, "and my goal is to create a Global One Team with the same mindset, same capabilities, similar focus." Together, this unified culture creates a space to nurture growth and carry out abundant solutions while embracing our cultural uniqueness.  

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