Aleya Ericson

Biggest Tech Flops (that didn’t revolutionize anything)

The tech that revolutionized the world will continue to grace the cover of history books, feature...

Is Technology Invading Your Privacy? Not in the ways you think.

It happened again. 2K, an American video game publisher, recently confirmed that hackers stole...

Sci-FI Technology: Expectation vs. Reality

One of the best parts of Science Fiction is dreaming of the future and imagining what's to come....

What the SACA Means for Your Business

On March 15, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Strengthening American Cybersecurity Act (SACA)...

5 Ways to Improve Your Business’ Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is something that can seem like a futuristic, far-off concept.  Yet, you couldn't...

Outsourcing By the Numbers

As more and more companies expand globally, the need for outsourcing is rising. In Time Tec rounded...

Angular v. React: Which Framework to Choose

The project has been finalized, and now it’s time to make your dream app a reality. The trouble is,...

How Science Fiction Can Help You Rid Your Limiting Beliefs

Have you met the, pardon my French, “Queen of Sh***y Robots”? Unfortunately, I have not had the...

Software Engineers Who Changed the Game

Every field has its history makers and trendsetters. However, software engineers are less likely to...

What We’re Reading: Business Edition

The Internet may have everything, but books still rule for learning new things. In Time Tec likes...