Aleya Ericson

Two Generations of Women in Tech

March 8 is International Women’s Day. The day honors the extraordinary accomplishments made by...

Women in STEM Timeline

Unfortunately, not every major innovation makes international fame and the front page of history...

Why You Should Invest In Quality Assurance

No company sets out to make a faulty product. Yet, even the best-laid plans go awry. Quality...

Refine Your Legacy Systems

The new year means new chances for growth and resolutions. The fresh start also offers an...

Common Mistakes When Hiring Tech Teams

Hiring is a stressful process. Employees want to find their dream job, while employers aim to hire...

Press Release- In Time Tec opens new Meridian Office

Dec. 17, 2021, In Time Tec hosted a ribbon cutting at their new Meridian Office at 625 South...

Embrace Chaos Engineering

Chaos Engineering sounds like what a supervillain would major in to gain the knowledge needed for...

Shoring Up Your Outsourcing Knowledge

Nearshore vs. Onshore vs. Offshore Outsourcing

As the business world evolves, so do business...

Tech Trends Past, Present, and Future

The end of 2021 looms just around the corner. Traditionally, a new year represents a chance to...

The Down Low on Low Code and No Code

Upheaval and change define the recent job market. According to a CNBC poll, 50 percent of US...