In Time Tec Blog

Ins and Outs of Tech Bootcamps

Written by Aleya Ericson | May 12, 2022 6:00:00 AM

The need for STEM professionals grows every year. Yet, not everyone has the time or money to pursue a four-year degree at a traditional college or university. Several tech bootcamps have sprung up across the country to offer an alternative educational experience to meet the need.


What are tech bootcamps? 

Tech bootcamps are a training program that compresses software developer training into a much shorter timespan. Some courses take as little as 13 weeks.

Sounds intense.

It is! To cover all the subjects in a matter of weeks, most tech bootcamps ask that you miss no more than three classes.


Where can I find a tech bootcamp? 

All across the country! Locally to In Time Tec, Boise Codeworks offers a chance for students to learn Immersive Full Stack Development and Cyber Security. App Academy, based in San Francisco, provides training in full-stack software development. DevMountain, out of Phoenix, Arizona, trains students in Web Development, Python Engineering, Java Engineering, and much more.


How’s the cost compared to college tuition? 

Depends on the bootcamp. According to BestColleges, the average bootcamp tuition was $13,579 as of 2020 compared to the $20,000-$43,000 for a traditional college. Some boot camps offer financial aid or do not have you pay anything until you land a new job.


Does anybody hire tech graduates? 

In Time Tec does! You can check out our LinkedIn for job openings and contact any of our tech camp graduates if you have any questions.


How do I decide which tech bootcamp is for me? 

What a great question, and may I say you are smart for asking. First, think about what fields of programming and languages you are interested in? As you can see from the earlier list, not all tech bootcamps offer the same specialties. Next, are you more interested in in-person training or remote classes? If you consider these things, it can help narrow it down.


How do I get in? 

You apply and take the technical interviews. It’s important to realize that you must pass an entrance test to pursue most tech bootcamps, so you should allot time to study for it. This assessment ensures that you have the technical knowledge necessary to succeed in an intense course.