Safe Return to Work by the Numbers

Nearly a year ago, the Coronavirus pandemic started and changed our lives. Lockdowns protected us from the virus, but also caused disruptions to our daily routines. Health concerns forced many people to start working from home for the first time. Fortunately, rapid scientific advancement enabled different vaccines to help protect us against disease.

Increasing vaccination numbers results in an increasing amount of people returning to work. Many workers are concerned with safely returning to work after spending so much time away from the office. In Time Tec created the below infographic showing the concerns workers face and how to address them. Feel free to print it, share it, and email the infographic to anyone interested.

By far, the best way to put your employees’ fears at ease is following CDC recommendations for businesses. One recommendation is to discourage the sharing of tools and equipment. To minimize the need to touch the office printer, In Time Tec offers TouchFree MFP. An app for Apple and Android, TouchFree MFP allows you to remotely scan, print, share, and copy from HP OXPd-enabled devices.

Safe Return to Work Infographic 2


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