Shoring Up Your Outsourcing Knowledge

Nearshore vs. Onshore vs. Offshore Outsourcing

As the business world evolves, so do business methods. More and more companies are exploring outsourcing for projects than ever before. According to Capital Counselor, by 2025, the global IT outsourcing market alone will be worth $397.6 billion.

The push towards outsourcing offers many benefits for companies. Cost-saving, easier to find needed technical specialists, and many other perks drive businesses to outsource. Many people aren't aware that outsourcing is subdivided into offshore, nearshore, and onshore outsourcing.

Offshore outsourcing cements the image of what most people picture for outsourcing — far away workers in different countries on projects, with time zone difference causing work to come in at odd hours. For example, India Standard Time is 12 and half hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time.

Worries over time issues or even date differences can make people hesitant to pursue outsourcing. After all, meeting scheduling is difficult enough without the concern of accidentally picking a 5 a.m. time for some unlucky coworker.

Nearshore outsourcing helps alleviate these concerns. Nearshore outsourcing occurs in countries near the hiring company or during the parent companies’ timeframe. For instance, Mexico City, Mexico (Central Standard Time) is only an hour ahead of Mountain Standard Time.

Of course, the easiest way to eliminate time and scheduling concerns is with onshore outsourcing. Onshore outsourcing is outsourcing work to another company in the same region or even the same state. When you don’t have to sweat time or date concerns, the only big question is working out details in-person meetings.

Many outsourcing companies, including In Time Tec, offer nearshore, onshore, and offshore teams options. Make sure to pick the one that’s right for your business.

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