In Time Tec Blog

Signs your software is dying

Written by Aleya Ericson | Apr 29, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Many businesses were shocked when Microsoft announced that Skype for Business would discontinue in July 2021. There is a real danger of business-critical software being abandoned or losing support in this digital age. Without necessary software, businesses are forced to adapt quickly or make drastic changes. In Time Tec has learned, over decades of software development, there are 4 signs your long-used technology solution is dying and it’s time to start planning for a change.

1. Tech support is fading

Tech support costs money, so lack of support is an early sign of budget cuts and product end of life. Be wary of long wait times for tickets and long-standing technical issues that never seem to be resolved.

2. Long time since the last update

It’s time to try and remember the last time you had to download a software update for your solution. Systems change, technology improves, and new products hit the market all the time. Without constant updates to the data behind the technology, your favorite software quickly becomes out of date and may even become unusable. If it’s been many moons since you’ve seen an update prompt, it’s time to find some new software.

3. Company behind the software is purchased

Company mergers mean change for everyone involved. Positions are eliminated, organizations are restructured, and products are shelved. If your favorite software product is swept away with all the other changes, this can mean big problems for you and your company.

4. Technology is out of date

It’s easy to become complacent in using technology from 20 years ago that was cutting-edge at the time. If your software relies on a local installation instead of the cloud, it’s time to assess if you need an update. There may be newer software that could make your work less stressful, more efficient, and your business more profitable that you are missing out on.


So, you’ve done some self-assessment of your current software and realized it’s time for a change. The big question is now what? The key is research. Read your latest industry publications to keep up to date on the latest breakthroughs and see the latest industry trends. For the latest Managed Print Services (MPS) news, In Time Tec is fond of:

  • Industry Analysts- a MPS news site with an email newsletter you can sign up for.
  • Imaging Channel- a print and imaging industry news site and magazine.
  • MPSA-The Managed Print Services Association is a nonprofit MPS organization that offers a newsroom to keep up with the latest industry news.

Another option is to contact software developers to see if they can help you design something specific to fit your needs. In Time Tec is, of course, happy to help you fulfill your software-related dreams.