In Time Tec Blog

What We’re Reading: Business Edition

Written by Aleya Ericson | May 18, 2022 6:00:00 AM

The Internet may have everything, but books still rule for learning new things. In Time Tec likes to stay on top of the latest and greatest in our respective departments, so here’s what we’re reading lately.


The End of Marketing by Carlos Gil: The rise of social media and SEO has dramatically shifted the traditional marketing model. Carlos’ book covers how companies can adapt to a new online world.


Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan: Cagan’s made a name for himself in Silicon Valley as the founder of the Silicon Valley Product Group and a former product leader at eBay, Netscape, and HP. “Inspired” focuses on how top tech companies develop products compared to other companies.


The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz: Schwartz’s book offers valuable exercises and reflects the attitudes and mindsets that lead people to success. Whether you are looking to improve your job, marriage, or family, “The Magic of Thinking Big” offers much to reflect on.


The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey: Covey examines how trust impacts everything we do, from businesses to the global economy, to interpersonal relationships. He argues trust is essential for any high-performing organization.


Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems by Wladston Ferreira Filho: This introductory guide to computer science covers the essentials of how to program effectively. If you have ever wondered why computers and programming languages work, this guide is for you.


Learning Go: An Idiomatic Approach to Real-World Go Programming by Jon Bodner: Go, a programming language, is rapidly gaining popularity for programming web services. This guide teaches you to write clear Go and develop a Go developer mindset. 


Create an Impact by Jeet Kumar: When the In Time Tec CEO writes a book, you better believe we will all grab a copy. In his second book, Jeet explores the lessons he learned along with his life and offers exercises to help you reflect on your own life.


Got an addition we should add to our reading list? Tell us in the comments.