Inspirational Stories: India Edition

Behind In Time Tec, which became successful in a decade, are many untold stories from the original members who worked day and night to get the company where it is today. One common thread in each of these stories is the members' seal to creating abundance. For a deeper, inside look, let us dig into the untold stories of the In Time Tec Family.


Yatin Yogi (SR. Project Manager) - Journey to Creating Abundance

Yatin Yogi is from Kota, Rajasthan, a place in India famous for its education. While there, Yatin attended the Arya College of Engineering and IT and completed his education in Engineering in 2010. At that time, he was looking for a job to take care of his family. His family relied on him for stability, so finding work was critical, so he travelled different places until finally, his efforts turned fruitful when he reached Jaipur. There, he got a job that paid little, but accepted the offer knowing it would take care of his family.

Soon enough, things looked bright for Yatin when he interviewed at In Time Tec in March 2012. At that time, In Time Tec had around 60 employees. Sandeep Jain, Co-founder and Managing Director, conducted Yatin's final interview and asked what he expected as a salary. For Yatin, his expectation was enough, but Sandeep offered him more than he could imagine, and soon after, Yatin's journey started at In Time Tec in June 2012. 

As expected, Yatin worked hard in delivering his projects. Things improved for him and his family since the work now supported all of them. As a result, Yatin's focus turned entirely to needs and he never focused on his additional wants. Then Jeet, the CEO, started a session of "Learn and Contribute" and Yatin, along with other employees, were introduced to the concept of "Who you are" and "What do you want". 

Call to Action: Learning at work? Discover why In Time Tec loves hosting learning groups. click learn about learning to find out more.

Until that time, Yatin was so busy fulfilling his responsibilities that he didn't realize his responsibilities had turned into burdens that generated a sense of fear in him.

In those sessions, Jeet emphasized the concepts of "How to know yourself better" and "How to define a purpose to live". At this moment, Yatin was introduced to the world of leadership. He could see changes in himself that made him confident; he started leading teams and taking on bigger responsibilities; he eventually worked his way to project manager and embraced the leadership. After he got to know himself better from these sessions, his focus shifted from family to others and he always thought of contributing in others' lives. He also attended "Landmark", a worldwide form where he learned how a leader should behave and think about others. He explored himself, and arrived at the question, "What do I not know about myself?". Yatin says "to learn something, one needs to unlearn something".

He moulded himself into a leader that motivated and inspired people through their words and actions. His goal was to make people realize what they can do to contribute and create abundance in society. Now, he's been at In Time tec for 10 years and is happy to be a part of an organization that lives by its values. Yatin says he learned from his leaders that, if you own something, you should see from the perspective of, "What is missing?", and "am I doing enough to take care of this?". He never sees something as too difficult, and says that "If you're committed to do something bigger than yourself in life, you won't look at challenges as a burden". Yatin focuses on creating an environment where people are peaceful, happy, and contributing with their maximum potential.

Sunil Urs (SR. Vice President R&D) - A Pillar of Strength for In Time Tec

Sunil joined In Time Tec in June 2011 as a Master Level Architect and he was the first employee in the Bangalore, India office. Since the Bangalore office was still young and new, the current employees rented out a business centre compiled of 30 seats. For Sunil, opening a new office in Bangalore felt like setting up a start-up within a start-up. He learned a lot about business, operations, IT, and infrastructure. 

As one can imagine, the beginning days for In Time Tec were frugal. There were issues around reliable power at the Bangalore facility and there were days when the employees were asked to leave the office and work from home. 

However, as the company grew, the team started looking for bigger and better facilities. Soon enough, In Time Tec leased an entire building and a whole floor in a neighboring building to accommodate the growing business. The growth allowed Sunil to focalize his strengths to finance and operations, and he shares that it was a memorable journey to be with In Time Tec during that time. He admits they started very small, but today In Time Tec has an efficient business running. Read more inspiring stories about working at In Time Tec.

While the company continued to grow, so did Sunil’s career. He started In Time Tec as an architect, but later, moved to management and leadership to become a Director. Gradually, he became Vice President and then Senior VP. With the transitions came responsibilities that changed the growth of ITT.

With the responsibilities came challenges, and he shares that one time, there was a delay in delivering on the requirements of a project. He got involved at a code level, worked with the rest of the team to make sure the functionality was delivered with quality. As a team, they got everything implemented flawlessly. Looking back, he reminisces those times as to how the team came together and supported one another. However, he also adds a piece of advice that, “its better to plan your work, than rushing at the deadlines”. Read more about our projects and how we deliver to our partners.

Sunil has been a part of In Time Tec for more than 11 years now. His advice to the younger generation is that the, “IT industry is a skill-based knowledge industry, so make sure there is a new learning every day”.

Sandeep Jain (Co-Founder and Managing Director) - A Journey Of Collaboration

Sandeep Jain met Jeet Kumar in college where they aspired to start something of their own --something bigger and more meaningful. After graduating college and spending 13 years in different worlds, they eventually reconnected and agreed on establishing a software business in 2008. The next day, the name of the company was chosen as “In Time Tec” because they valued the concept of time and the possibilities of technology. Soon after, Jeet travelled to the United States and met Dan, who would be a lifelong business partner and friend. Jeet inspired Dan to be a part of In Time Tec, along with Rakesh and Matt who would together become the five founders of the company. The most obvious concern at the time was gaining clients. During those years, the world was suffering from a recession and the entire market was down, but somehow, In Time Tec managed to take up some projects through its founder’s contacts.

Gradually, In Time Tec kept growing with an increasing number of projects. In 5 years, it reached around $ 3 million in revenue; however, 75% of that revenue came from one customer. Despite the growth, there were unfair and unequal interactions with the partner, and the engagement went against the values of In Time Tec. In one of the meetings, Jeet refused to work with that client and ended the inconsistent experience between them. At that time, it wasn’t easy to accept the loss of a client who had 75% of In Time Tec’s revenue share. However, even during such a hard time, Jeet called an all employee meeting and committed that no one would lose their job from lack of work, as long as the team was flexible towards learning and exploring. And it worked. Many new engagements happened and projects flowed in. The entire team worked very hard to recover the loss without the loss of a single employee. This still hold true. At In Time Tec, the leadership team always say that we will always cherish the good times together and face the challenging times together like a family.

While talking to Sandeep, he shared that we are a people first company. The mission of In Time Tec is to create abundance for people. The processes, projects and profit is all for the people, not the other way around.

As In Time Tec continued to grow, so did the company’s employees, many of whom were young, thriving people. To channelize the youth’s energy in the right direction, Jeet started “Learn and Grow”, a platform for fresh graduates which later on became a signature program at the company. In 2017, Sandeep started “Learn and Integrate” for lateral hires to better understand “What ITT is as a company”, “What the company exist for”, and “How does the business operate?”. The main goal behind starting these groups was to function as a unified community and for leadership to be more open. Through this process, everyone could know everyone without the mind-set of hierarchy, and as an outcome, a channel of communication, transparency and lots of learning is created.

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Sandeep further adds that he is happy to have contributed towards establishing In Time Tec as a successful platform for people after going through many challenging experiences of life. At In Time Tec, the focus is on people, learning, and contribution. While profit is always a by-product of business, it is not primary focus. Focus is to create a platform where people can achieve their dreams through this dream. If someone is benefited from our actions, isn’t it amazing? There should not be too much worry and concern. Our goal should be to make this world a better place to live.

Also read: Ideology Behind In Time Tec's Offsites

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